Quiet the Mind – Calm the body – Nourish the Soul
Heart-Light Connections: 4-Week Guided Meditation
While most meditations are brain-centered and use the mind to attempt to quiet the mind, Heart-Light Connections is “heart-centered” and teaches participants how to activate “coherent heart rhythms” and “heart feelings” to calm the mind and achieve a more intuitive state.
Research shows when we breathe through our heart and activate feelings of gratitude, compassion, and care there is a measurable shift in heart rhythm patterns. This shift not only enhances the body’s natural healing response, it also:
- Creates and maintains a sense of inner peace
- Boosts mood
- Reduces stress & muscle tension
- Relieves pain
- Improves mental clarity and focus
- Enhances immune system functioning
- Enhances connection and relationships
Join me this spring and discover how energy-based techniques, intention, and coherent heart rhythms can be used to cultivate harmony, happiness, and a sense of well-being in your life.
Specific dates and information to follow soon.
For questions and information, please call: 305-632-8706.